You have lived in a 4 bedroom detached residential home for 10 years, when you moved in with your young family you wanted a simple and modern home-style. This has worked for you and your family for many years, but now that your family has grown, and you just want a more classy style!

So firstly you have to perform a search on the web, painters and decorators for Waterlooville is a great start. You should narrow down your criteria to 3 small companies (one of them are Bird Property Services)! Once you have made contact and arranged for the decorating company to come to your home to give ideas and quote for the job, you can then decide on who to choose to contract for your home project.

What colour schemes?

So in today’s world there are many, many styles to choose from. You may like a simple plain wall coloured style, maybe a white or cream. To jazz up each room you may want to add a dash of colour or striking wallpaper to one wall to give that elegant or funky look!

We always suggest looking at various online websites to give inspiration, paint manufacturers like Dulux, Albany or Crown paints are a start. Or even looking at home style magazines, of which you can grab from your local shop or take a peek online.

What paints shall I choose?

When it comes to paint finishes, there are many to choose from again. For example on your woodwork you could have a flat, mid sheen or high gloss finish. On your walls you can have a matt, vinyl matt, mid sheen, or silk emulsion all of which depend on your room.

In a hallway any size, you want something durable and strong. You may have kids or pets that can make a lot of mess! Whereas in your kitchen or bathroom you should really choose a product that will last, stop the stains or marks from water, oil or other odours.

What ever the room in your home or business you with to change, simply contact Bird Property Services to start the conversation and improve your home.